Were Alive
We're Alive started early in 2009 when creator, Kc Wayland, originally outlined the story for a pitch for television.[6] At the time he saw there was a gap in programming that could be filled by a horror survival series. He designed a show that would take advantage of the repeated set, the tower, and then branch out from there as the show would get more popular. After the initial story and character outlines were created, he then proceeded to talk with other film producers seeing if there would be a way to get the show on broadcast television.
Were Alive
There were several factors that led Wayland to the audio-only format. In limiting the visuals, the story would be able to explore limitless possibilities in settings and situations not fully explored by this genre. Being a "horror", the power of sound and "what you can't see" could be utilized in a powerful way. Using no visuals also limited the vastness of production. Actors could come in once every two months for a full day of recording that would cover six full episodes (2 chapters).[11]
The Lockdown CONCLUDES!!! Join us for the live video broadcast, streaming finale of Lockdown part 6: June 3rd LIVE starting at 6 pm PST on www.werealive.com . The finale will then debut on the podcast feed June 6th, 9am PST. So if you want to experience the finale with the rest of the fans, join in on the finale stream on Friday June 3rd! Have an idea on how it will all end? Join in on the discussion at
We're Alive: Lockdown Promo We're back! The next story coming is called Lockdown, a side-story/continuation further into the world of We're Alive. Starting June 2nd we'll have a kickstarter to raise funds in order to launch the next project. Details and rewards on www.werealive.com
We're Alive has reached 50 million downloads! To commemorate the occasion, here's a sneak peak at the upcoming continuations in the series. Be sure to check out the website www.werealive.com to see our web store re-opening with a brand new special poster!
We're Alive has reached 1/4 billion infected downloads! We also joined Rusty Quills RQ Network! Here's some updates and a special sneak peak at what we have in store. Be sure to follow our social media channels, our Wayland Productions Patreon or keep an eye on www.werealive.com for more updates....
"Everybody in this country is afraid," says Dann. If Thoreau were alive today, Dann believes "he would have been out there and he would have been shouting from the rafters: People, go into the street! You have no sovereignty anymore. It is gone."
We evaluated the risk of late relapse and further outcome in patients with soft-tissue sarcomas who were alive and event-free more than five years after initial treatment. From our database we identified 1912 patients with these pathologies treated between 1980 and 2006. Of these 1912 patients, 603 were alive and event-free more than five years after initial treatment and we retrospectively reviewed them. The mean age of this group was 48 years (4 to 94) and 340 were men. The mean follow-up was 106 months (60 to 336). Of the original cohort, 582 (97%) were alive at final follow-up. The disease-specific survival was 96.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 94.4 to 98.3) at ten years and 92.9% (95% CI 89 to 96.8) at 15 years. The rate of late relapse was 6.3% (38 of 603). The ten- and 15-year event-free rates were 93.2% (95% CI 90.8 to 95.7) and 86.1% (95% CI 80.2 to 92.1), respectively. Multivariate analysis showed that tumour size and tumour grade remained independent predictors of events. In spite of further treatment, 19 of the 38 patients died of sarcoma. The three- and five-year survival rates after the late relapse were 56.2% (95% CI 39.5 to 73.3) and 43.2% (95% CI 24.7 to 61.7), respectively, with a median survival time of 46 months. Patients with soft-tissue sarcoma, especially if large, require long-term follow-up, especially as they have moderate potential to have their disease controlled.
Wow. After finishing the game I'm kind of just stunned at how beautiful and painful that was. The storyline and writing were so immersive and and art was just gorgeous. My emotions were all over the place.
I didn't like Sara because from the start she was overly cynical and forced a hatred of her hometown everywhere. But as the game went on it made more sense why she was like that. In her eyes Maria's parents, along with the entire town, were to blame for what happened. She thought the town's general religiousness was the reason Maria didn't want to terminate her pregnancy, even though she was repeatedly told by Maria that that was not the case. Sara blamed the town and everyone in it because she believed that the town forced her to have a baby, tying her down there and leaving her miserable. Sara could never be happy living in Härunga and because of that she couldn't believe that Maria, as her best childhood friend, was happy living in Härunga. In her eyes the town was directly responsible for Maria's death.
"In principle, you can take a pinch of dirt collected under favorable circumstances and uncover an amazing amount of forensic evidence regarding what species were on the landscape at the time," said co-researcher Eske Willerslev, director of the Centre for GeoGenetics at the University of Copenhagen.
The team collected soil cores from undisturbed Alaskan permafrost. Two independent methods (radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence) were used to date plant remains and individual mineral grains found in the same layers as the DNA.
The core samples revealed the local Alaskan fauna at the end of the last Ice Age. The oldest sediments, dated to about 11,000 years ago, contain remnant DNA of Arctic hare, bison, and moose; all three animals were also found in higher, more recent layers, as would be expected. But one core, deposited between 10,500 and 7,600 years ago, confirmed the presence of both mammoth and horse DNA.
"At this point, mammoths and horses were barely holding on. We may actually be working with the DNA of some of the last members of these species in North America," said team member Duane Froese of the University of Alberta in Canada.
A police commander at the scene of the Uvalde massacre was informed that children were alive in a classroom with the gunman more than 30 minutes before officers breached the room and ended one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history.
The dispatcher spoke with Lt. Mariano Pargas minutes after a 10-year-old girl dialed 911 from inside the adjoining rooms where the gunman had holed up. The call underscores that members of law enforcement were aware there were children in danger even as they waited more than 70 minutes to confront the gunman. It highlights the actions of another police commander in the hesitant and haphazard response that prompted the firing of schools police Chief Pete Arredondo.
You're ready to leave work for the day, but before you do, you need to check the traffic report. The concrete jungle doesn't just come populated with predatory drivers these days; dinosaurs were recently resurrected and boy, have they thrived. Just last week, a Tyrannosaurus rex took it into his head to stampede during rush hour, kicking buses and taking bites out of some of the smaller cars that crossed his path. If he's still roaming along your regular commute, you'll plan another route.
OK, let's back up a bit since that scenario is a little far-fetched. How about we consider the question: What if dinosaurs were alive today? Well, technically, many scientists would argue that dinosaurs are alive in modern times. In fact, you probably see them every day since birds are descended from dinosaurs. Minuscule avians like flittering hummingbirds might make a disappointing sight if it was the mighty reptilians of the prehistoric age you were hoping for, but that's what evolution and extinction events have dictated.
Not to mention the many other mile-high procedural obstacles in the way. Going back to a "Jurassic Park" scenario, let's say scientists recovered a bloodsucking insect locked in amber dating from a time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. The potential for cross-contamination both from the entrapped insect itself (which, after all, would likely contain gut flora and the blood of other victims) or from modern organisms the specimen had come into contact with, means very little suitable dinosaur DNA would likely be recovered. If a specimen were cracked open -- assuming it hadn't rotted hollow -- it would be incredibly trying to distinguish the sources of any DNA it contained.
So, chances aren't great we'll ever need to worry whether roaming herds of theropods will disrupt our rush-hour commutes. Or even get to marvel in wonder at specimens concocted in labs occupying prime zoo real estate. After all, if dinosaurs were alive today, their immune systems would probably be ill-equipped to handle our modern panoply of bacteria, fungi and viruses. The chasm is just too large to make that a likely possibility. 041b061a72