ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2: A Review of the Best MIDI Synthesizer Editor for Access Virus Synths
ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2: A Complete MIDI Synthesizer Editor for Access Virus Synthesizers
If you are a proud owner of an Access Virus synthesizer, you probably know how powerful and versatile it is. But you also know how complex and tedious it can be to edit and create sounds using its small LCD screen and knobs. Wouldn't it be great if you could have a full control of every parameter of your synth on your computer screen, with a simple and intuitive interface, and integrate it seamlessly with your DAW?
ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2
Well, that's exactly what ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 can do for you. This amazing software is a complete MIDI synthesizer editor that allows you to access and manipulate every aspect of your Access Virus synth, from its oscillators, filters, envelopes, modulations, effects, arpeggiator, and more. You can also load and save patches and banks from your synth to the editor, and vice versa, as well as organize and manage them with a handy librarian tool.
ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 works as a VST plugin or a standalone application, compatible with most popular DAWs, such as Cubase, Ableton Live, Logic Pro, FL Studio, Reaper, etc. It supports all models of Access Virus synths, including A, Classic, B, kB, C, kC, Indigo I & II, Rack, Rack XL.
In this article, we will show you how to use ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 to unleash the full potential of your Access Virus synth, and give you some tips and tricks to get the most out of it.
But first, let's see how you can get this amazing software and install it on your computer.
ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 is a software product developed by reKon audio, a company specialized in creating MIDI synthesizer editors for various hardware synths.
The software is available for purchase on their website for $30 USD (or $80 USD if you want both Mac and Windows versions). You can also download a free demo version that has some limitations but allows you to test the functionality of the software before buying it.
To install ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 on your computer, you need to follow these steps:
Download the installer file from the reKon audio website or from the link provided in your purchase confirmation email.
Run the installer file and follow the instructions on the screen. You will need to choose a destination folder for the software and agree to the license agreement.
Once the installation is complete, you will find the ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 folder in your chosen location, containing the VST plugin file, the standalone application file, and the user manual.
If you want to use the software as a VST plugin, you need to copy or move the VST plugin file to your DAW's VST plugin folder. If you want to use it as a standalone application, you can simply run it from the folder.
Congratulations, you have successfully installed ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 on your computer. Now let's see how to use it to edit and create sounds for your Access Virus synth.
How to Use ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2
ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 is designed to be easy and intuitive to use, but also powerful and flexible. It has a graphical user interface that mimics the layout and appearance of your Access Virus synth, with all its knobs, buttons, sliders, and displays. You can use your mouse or keyboard to adjust any parameter on the screen, and see the changes reflected on your synth in real time.
To use ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, you need to do four things:
Connect your Access Virus synthesizer to your computer and set up the MIDI ports.
Load and save patches and banks from your synthesizer to the editor.
Edit and create sounds using the editor's interface and parameters.
Automate and record your edits in your DAW.
Let's go through each of these steps in detail.
How to connect your Access Virus synthesizer to your computer and set up the MIDI ports
To use ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, you need to connect your Access Virus synthesizer to your computer via a MIDI cable or a USB cable (depending on your synth model). You also need to make sure that your synth and your computer are using the same MIDI channel and that your synth is set to receive MIDI data from the editor.
Here are the steps to connect your Access Virus synthesizer to your computer and set up the MIDI ports:
Connect one end of a MIDI cable or a USB cable (depending on your synth model) to the MIDI OUT port or the USB port of your Access Virus synthesizer.
Connect the other end of the cable to the MIDI IN port or the USB port of your computer or audio interface.
If you are using a MIDI cable, you also need to connect another MIDI cable from the MIDI IN port of your Access Virus synthesizer to the MIDI OUT port of your computer or audio interface.
Turn on your Access Virus synthesizer and wait for it to boot up.
On your Access Virus synthesizer, press the SYSTEM button and navigate to the MIDI menu using the PAGE buttons.
Set the MIDI channel of your Access Virus synthesizer to match the MIDI channel of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 (by default, both are set to channel 1).
Set the MIDI mode of your Access Virus synthesizer to SEQ CTRL (sequencer control), which allows it to receive MIDI data from ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2.
If you are using a USB cable, you also need to set the USB mode of your Access Virus synthesizer to VIRUS (Virus control), which allows it to communicate with ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 via USB.
Press EXIT to exit the SYSTEM menu.
On your computer, launch ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 as a standalone application or as a VST plugin in your DAW.
In ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, click on the OPTIONS button at the top right corner of the screen.
In the OPTIONS menu, select MIDI SETUP.
In the MIDI SETUP window, select the MIDI input and output ports that correspond to your Access Virus synthesizer (for example, if you are using a USB cable, select VIRUS TI SYNTH as both input and output).
If you are using a USB cable, you also need to select VIR US as the MIDI mode in the MIDI SETUP window.
Click OK to close the MIDI SETUP window and save your settings.
You have now successfully connected your Access Virus synthesizer to your computer and set up the MIDI ports. You should see a green light on the top left corner of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, indicating that the software is communicating with your synth. You can also click on the SYNC button to synchronize the editor with your synth, which will load the current patch and bank from your synth to the editor.
How to load and save patches and banks from your synthesizer to the editor
One of the main advantages of using ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 is that you can easily load and save patches and banks from your Access Virus synthesizer to the editor, and vice versa. This allows you to backup, organize, and manage your sounds more efficiently, as well as transfer them between different synth models.
To load and save patches and banks from your synthesizer to the editor, you need to follow these steps:
In ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, click on the BANK button at the top left corner of the screen.
In the BANK menu, select LOAD BANK FROM SYNTH or SAVE BANK TO SYNTH, depending on what you want to do.
If you select LOAD BANK FROM SYNTH, a window will pop up asking you to select which bank you want to load from your synth (A, B, C, or D). Select the bank you want and click OK. The editor will then load all 128 patches from that bank to the editor.
If you select SAVE BANK TO SYNTH, a window will pop up asking you to select which bank you want to save to your synth (A, B, C, or D). Select the bank you want and click OK. The editor will then save all 128 patches from the editor to that bank on your synth.
You can also load and save individual patches from your synthesizer to the editor, and vice versa. To do this, you need to follow these steps:
In ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, click on the PATCH button at the top left corner of the screen.
In the PATCH menu, select LOAD PATCH FROM SYNTH or SAVE PATCH TO SYNTH, depending on what you want to do.
If you select LOAD PATCH FROM SYNTH, a window will pop up asking you to select which patch you want to load from your synth (from 1 to 128). Select the patch you want and click OK. The editor will then load that patch from your synth to the editor.
If you select SAVE PATCH TO SYNTH, a window will pop up asking you to select which patch you want to save to your synth (from 1 to 128). Select the patch you want and click OK. The editor will then save that patch from the editor to your synth.
You can also use the PREV and NEXT buttons on the top left corner of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 to browse through the patches on your synth or on the editor.
You have now learned how to load and save patches and banks from your synthesizer to the editor, and vice versa. This will help you keep your sounds organized and secure, as well as experiment with different sounds on different synth models.
How to edit and create sounds using the editor's interface and parameters
The core function of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 is to allow you to edit and create sounds for your Access Virus synthesizer using its interface and parameters. The interface of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 is divided into several sections that correspond to different aspects of your synth's sound engine:
The OSC section controls the oscillators of your synth, which generate the basic waveforms of your sound. You can choose from different types of waveforms (such as sawtooth, pulse, sine, etc.), adjust their pitch, shape, phase, sync, FM modulation, etc.
The FILTER section controls the filters of your synth, which shape the frequency spectrum of your sound. You can choose from different types of filters (such as low-pass, high-pass, band-pass, etc.), adjust their cutoff frequency, resonance, envelope amount, key tracking, etc.
The AMP section controls the amplitude envelope of your sound, which determines how loud or quiet it is over time. You can adjust its attack time, decay time , sustain level, and release time.
The MOD section controls the modulation sources and destinations of your sound, which add movement and expression to your sound. You can use the modulation matrix to assign different sources (such as LFOs, envelopes, MIDI controllers, etc.) to different destinations (such as pitch, filter, volume, pan, etc.), and adjust their amount and polarity.
The FX section controls the effects of your sound, which enhance and enrich your sound. You can choose from different types of effects (such as distortion, chorus, delay, reverb, etc.), and adjust their parameters.
The ARP section controls the arpeggiator of your sound, which creates rhythmic patterns from the notes you play. You can choose from different modes (such as up, down, random, etc.), adjust the tempo, gate, swing, octave range, etc.
To edit and create sounds using ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, you need to follow these steps:
Load a patch from your synthesizer or from the editor that you want to edit or use as a starting point.
Use your mouse or keyboard to adjust any parameter in any section of the editor's interface. You will see the changes reflected on your synth in real time.
Use the COPY and PASTE buttons on the top left corner of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 to copy and paste parameters between different sections or patches.
Use the UNDO and REDO buttons on the top left corner of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 to undo and redo your edits.
Use the INIT button on the top left corner of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 to initialize a patch with default settings.
Use the COMPARE button on the top left corner of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 to compare your edited patch with the original patch.
Use the SAVE button on the top left corner of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 to save your edited patch to your synth or to the editor.
You have now learned how to edit and create sounds using ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2's interface and parameters. You can experiment with different combinations and settings to create your own unique sounds for your Access Virus synth.
Tips and Tricks for Getting the Most Out of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2
ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2 is a powerful and flexible software that offers many possibilities for editing and creating sounds for your Access Virus synth. Here are some tips and tricks that will help you get the most out of it:
How to use the modulation matrix and the LFOs to add movement and expression to your sounds
The modulation matrix and the LFOs are two of the most important features of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, as they allow you to modulate any parameter of your sound with any source of modulation. This can create dynamic and expressive sounds that change over time or respond to your playing.
To use the modulation matrix and the LFOs to add movement and expression to your sounds, you need to follow these steps:
In ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, click on the MOD button at the top right corner of the screen.
In the MOD section, you will see a matrix with 16 slots, each with a source, a destination, an amount, and a polarity knob.
Select an empty slot in the matrix by clicking on it.
Select a source of modulation from the drop-down menu on the left side of the slot. You can choose from different sources, such as LFOs, envelopes, MIDI controllers, velocity, aftertouch, etc.
Select a destination of modulation from the drop-down menu on the right side of the slot. You can choose from any parameter of your sound, such as pitch, filter cutoff, volume, pan, etc.
Adjust the amount knob to set how much modulation you want to apply to the destination parameter.
Adjust the polarity knob to set whether you want positive or negative modulation (for example, positive modulation will increase pitch while negative modulation will decrease pitch).
If you want to use an LFO as a source of modulation, you can also adjust its parameters in the LFO section below the matrix. You can choose from different types of waveforms (such as sine, triangle, square, etc.), adjust their rate, shape, phase, sync, etc.
You can use up to 16 slots in the modulation matrix to create complex and interesting modulations for your sound. You can also use the same source or destination multiple times with different amounts and polarities to create more variations.
Using the modulation matrix and the LFOs to add movement and expression to your sounds will make them more alive and dynamic, and also more responsive to your playing style and expression.
How to use the effects section and the arpeggiator to enhance your sounds
The effects section and the arpeggiator are two of the most fun and creative features of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, as they allow you to add extra layers of sound and rhythm to your patches. You can choose from different types of effects and arpeggiator modes, and adjust their parameters to suit your taste and needs.
To use the effects section and the arpeggiator to enhance your sounds, you need to follow these steps:
In ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, click on the FX button at the top right corner of the screen.
In the FX section, you will see four tabs, each corresponding to a different effect slot: DIST (distortion), CHOR (chorus), DEL (delay), and REV (reverb).
Select a tab by clicking on it.
Select an effect type from the drop-down menu on the left side of the tab. You can choose from different types of effects, such as overdrive, fuzz, flanger, phaser, tape echo, hall reverb, etc.
Adjust the effect parameters using the knobs on the right side of the tab. You can adjust parameters such as drive, tone, depth, rate, feedback, time, level, etc.
If you want to use more than one effect slot, you can also adjust the routing of the effects using the buttons on the bottom of the FX section. You can choose from different routing options, such as serial (one effect after another), parallel (effects mixed together), or split (effects applied to different parts of the stereo field).
If you want to use the arpeggiator, click on the ARP button at the top right corner of the screen.
In the ARP section, you will see several knobs and buttons that control the arpeggiator settings.
Select an arpeggiator mode from the drop-down menu on the left side of the ARP section. You can choose from different modes, such as up, down, random, chord, etc.
Adjust the arpeggiator parameters using the knobs on the right side of the ARP section. You can adjust parameters such as tempo, gate, swing, octave range, etc.
If you want to use a custom arpeggiator pattern, you can also use the buttons on the bottom of the ARP section to create and edit your own pattern. You can use up to 32 steps, and set the note value, velocity, and accent for each step.
Using the effects section and the arpeggiator to enhance your sounds will make them more interesting and diverse, and also add some spice and groove to your music.
How to use the librarian tool to organize and manage your patches and banks
The librarian tool is another useful feature of ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, as it allows you to organize and manage your patches and banks more easily. You can use the librarian tool to view, sort, rename, copy, move, delete, or backup your patches and banks, as well as import and export them in different formats.
To use the librarian tool to organize and manage your patches and banks, you need to follow these steps:
In ReKon Audio Virus Editor VST WIN v 1.1.2, click on the LIB button at the top right corner of the screen.
In the LIB section, you will see a list of all your patches and banks on the left side of the screen, and a preview of the selected patch or bank on the right side of the screen.
To view a patch or a bank, simply click on it in the list. You will see its name, category, author, comments, and parameters on the right side of the screen.
To sort your patches or banks by name, category, author, or date, simply click on the corresponding column header in the list.
To rename a patch or a bank, simply double-click on its name in the list and type a new name.
To copy or move a patch or a bank, simply drag and drop it from one location to another in the list. You can also use the right-click menu to copy or cut a patch or a bank, and then paste it in another location.
To delete a patch or a bank, simply select it in the list and press the DELETE key on your keyboard. You can also use the